Central Africa Christian College (CACC) is located in Zimbabwe, Africa in the capital city of Harare.
Their Vision
The vision of CACC is to train the hundreds who will reach the thousands! Thanks to the efforts of so many faithful missionaries over the past 60 years, Zimbabwe is one of the most evangelized countries in all of Sub-Saharan Africa. With no Bible colleges from the Christian Church/Churches of Christ in any of the neighboring countries of South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia or Malawi, it is time for Zimbabwe to step up as the training and sending center for all of central Africa. We have the property, the personnel, and the vision to make this happen.
Training the hundreds who will reach the thousands!
CACC is a program under Hippo Valley Christian Mission. To discover more, visit https://www.centralafricachristiancollege.org