I Love My Family

I Love My Family

I love my family. Through the beauty of adoption we became a blended and diverse family. It took a lot of love, acceptance, and understanding. We have not perfected it. We still work at it, but I would not trade our experience for any other family on earth.

I love my church family. Most of the people there look like me but I am more thankful for those who don’t. In addition to African Americans, Latino Americans, and White Americans, there are first and second generation families from places like the Philippines, Nigeria, Ireland, Jamaica, Canada, and Puerto Rico. We have sent mission teams to locations in Africa, Central and South America, and India. I love this diversity.

I love the family of God. On the day when Jesus returns and separates the sheep from the goats, we read there will be diversity among the sheep who enter Heaven. The book of Revelation speaks of a family “from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” Don’t trade anything in this world to miss it.

There has been a grave injustice in our family. Actually, it started in the beginning in our first family. One of our ancestors killed his brother: Cain killed Abel. Grave injustices have continued right up to this present time. It breaks our hearts. The family is fractured. God help us! Once again it will take a lot of love, acceptance, and understanding. What prompts your reaction to these things? 

Through racial and religious separation we can choose to further fragment the family with hatred, judgement, and anger. Through the unifying faith in our family, we must try our best to display a “faith prompted by love,” a love the Father has given us to love others in the family.

The greatest social injustice in history was when our collective and historical sins cost the life of another. Jesus loved the family of the world so much He sacrificed His own life on the cross. His blood was shed to atone for all injustices we have committed against others, and which others have committed against us. In His love He willingly traded His life for our family.

Brothers and Sisters, I love our family, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

Fix Our Eyes


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